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Assalaamu alaykum. I find it difficult to understand the 2nd hadith of chapter 27 of Imam Nawawi. It states that recurring doubt and stress indicate that something is a sin. However sometimes I think it such feelings are not indicative of sin. Is this hadith and other ones similar to it weak or perhaps there is a deeper explanation?
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If a unmarried girl imagine to do intercource with her future husband is it haraam?(she is not engaged yet. She doesn't imagine any face of a man and doesn't imagine any private part of a man She just think she will wear western dress and present herself to her husband. And she imagine her husband will play with her private parts) She does not touch.. More
Salam I have a question regarding the Hadith which states that the believer with good character will enter the highest level of Jannah. Does this include one who may have committed a lot of sins, major or minor? Will they be punished first? Jazakullah
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assalamu alaykum.Is it true that caliph umar(ra) issued fatwa to burn the drunkard's house?what was the reason behind it?
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“We are a people who do not eat until we are hungry. And if we eat, we do not eat to our fill.” Is this an authentic hadith?
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Asalamualaykum,The Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) passed by a pile of food and put his hand into it, and his fingers touched something wet. He said, “What is this, O seller of the food?” The man said, “It got rained on, O Messenger of Allaah.” He said, “Why did you not put it (the wet part) on top of the pile so that.. More
could you please interpret the following hadith and clarify what does mean by "... drinking directly out of the mouth of a water-skin"?Abu Hurairah (ra) reported Prophet Muhammad (saw) prohibited drinking directly out of the mouth of a water-skin.This hadith is mentioned in both Bukhari and Muslim but I don't have the correct reference. I hope you'd.. More
Is it true that using Miswaak instead of tooth brush is considered as a good deed because it is a Suñah as well?
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Asalamu alakium dear scholars my question is in regards to the hadeeth below:the hadeeth of ‘Amr ibn Salamah who said: “I used to memorize those words – meaning the Qur’aan – and it was as if it took root in my heart. When Makkah was conquered, then every tribe hastened to embrace Islam, and my father urged our tribe to hasten to embrace Islam... More
Assalam AlaikumHe does not surpass you by performing more prayers and fasts - there are among you those who pray and fast more - but by something which deeply has embedded itself in his heart: Iman in his heart. Is this fabricated ?Also why was Abu Bakr so superior ? Why was his thinking different ? Can we strive to think similarly ?
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Aslam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu. Someone said that the hadith of not having a beard in jannah is not authentic because of Sharh bin Hawshab, what are your opinions? If it is authentic can you give me a more precise and detailed answer, kindly?Jazakhallahun Khayran
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Salam aleikum could u please send me the proof that aisha r.a used to put one of her finger in the Mouth after prophet passed away when sahaba used to come to talk to her and ask about islam and rasoul Allah
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When I was at school I did a play based on the blind man, bald man and leper Hadith.Without realizing the extent of my sin, I made changes to the revelation such as changing the bald man to a cripple.I made tawbah to Allah but I want to know if it’s kuffr if I don’t announce my mistake to everyone who watched the play?Also is it considered as disbelief.. More
Who was Mukhayriq? Is it true that the seven gardens and the other wealth prophet Muhammad (pbuh) inherited from were used for the establishment of Waqf, the first ever "charitable endowment of Islam"? Why did he do this? Was he died as a Jew or a Muslim? What were the reasons he fought with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the battle of Uhud? Is it also.. More
Salàm, I read the following hadith which is authentic but what I would want is whether this hadith is a metaphor in general as it can't happen in real with a human to live long enough to leave thousand offspring behind. And if it is true that they must have been far times more than the human species and it would require a huge area to contain them.. More
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