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What is the classification of the following narration: "Take half of your religion from this little whitish woman"?.. More
I hear what is called 'the Qur'aaniyyoon' and they perform three prayers only: Fajr, Maghrib and 'Ishaa'. Are these prayers valid?.. More
What is the meaning of the expression ''then a people would come, the testimony of one of them precedes his oath, and his oath precedes his testimony.''?.. More
What is the meaning of the science of Al-Jarh Wat-Ta'deel?.. More
What is the meaning of the narration ''The Diyyah (blood money) of a non-Muslim is half of that of a Muslim.''? .. More
What is the interpretation of the narration “Convey from me even one Aayah [verse, narration,…]?.. More
Is the following narration authentic: “If you name a child Muhammad, do not beat him and do not deprive him”?.. More
Are the narrations "Recite Yaaseen [Quran, chapter 36] on your dead.", and "Chapter Yaaseen is effective on whatever it is intended." Correct?.. More
What is a good innovation? Is it wrong if we act according to it sometimes?.. More
Is “Seek for your brother seventy excuses” a Prophetic narration, and if so what is the full text of the narration and its chain of narrators? .. More
What is the interpretation of the narration of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, in which he said: "If a man were to be drugged on his face from the day he was born until he dies as an old man whilst in the obedience of Allaah, he will still belittle this on the Day of Judgement"? .. More
Who is the writer of the book of Al-Musnad?.. More
What is the definition of Qudsi narrations and Prophetic narrations?.. More
I have a friend who is not Muslim and he asked me some questions that I couldn't answer professionally. 1) A friend of him was raped 2 or more times while she was 13, he wants to know why this happened, why did God let this happened? 2) Why is it necessary for women to wear Hijaab, suppose if they are at risk of racial abuse or rape, then are they still.. More
Please say me whether the following Hadeeth are Daeef (weak). If not please provide the authenticity. I've come across these Hadeeth, related to Aayat Al-Kursi many times. Benefits of Aayat Al-Kursi: 1) Recite Aayat Al-Kursi at the time of leaving house because 70000 angels protect person from left, right, front and back and if a person dies before.. More
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