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I heard in one of the lectures delivered by the Tableeghi Jamaat member, that Prophet Mohammed
was a medium - height man, and whenever he met someone taller than him, his height used to increase such that he would get taller than the other person. Is there any truth in this statement?.. More
I heard in one of the lectures delivered by the Tableeghi Jamaat member, that the wife of Pharaoh, Aasyah, who accepted Islam, will be married to Prophet Mohammed, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, in the Paradise. Is there any truth in this statement? Please advice... More
Could you please comment on the following Hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim, which is about the Last Hour?
Book 041, Number 7051:
Anas reported that a person asked Allaah's Messenger, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, as to when the Last Hour would come. He had in his presence a young boy of the Ansar who was called Muhammad. Allaah's Messenger, sallallaahu.. More
In the Hadeeth, it says that fruits and vegetables or anything which is not in the season we should not eat. How about lf its in other state of the country. Please can you explain this Hadeeth? .. More
Can I have the explanation of this Hadeeth 505 in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari vol. 8: "People are just like camels, out of100 camels, one can hardly find a suitable camel to ride.".. More
A woman who sends out her husband in the path of Allaah and stays at home by herself, maintaining her honour and dignity (i.e. protecting herself against temptation and dishonesty) will enter Jannah 500 years before her husband while 70,000 angels and Hoors will serve her. She will be given Ghusl in Jannah and sitting on mountains of pearls, she.. More
I heard a Hadeeth that says on the Day of Judgement a person who in this Life used to fast and pray and do Qiyam and a lot of good deeds would have all his good deeds blown away because when he was alone and no one could see him he would sin a lot "To violate Allaah's Commands", how can such a person repent and what is the best way to gain the Pleasure.. More
Is there a Hadeeth of theProphet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, which states that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, Allaah in one of his dreams in the shape of a young man with gold bangles in his arms? .. More
Please inform me about the Hadeeth that says: "Anta wa Maaluka li-Abeek" (you and your property belong to your father). Does this apply also to daughters? The reason I'm asking is because a father is requesting (as if by right) money from his unmarried daughters, even though he has his own income and is capable of working more to provide.. More
I wanted to know if anyone can provide me with a good explanation of the following Hadeeth which have been used by Sufis to justify Nabi, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, knowing the unseen.
"My entire Ummah was presented before me with each individual's scroll of deeds, good as well as bad." [Muslim vol. 1, p. 207]
"I can see at my back.. More
What is the scientific proof as to why it is not good to stand while drinking water as a Muslim?.. More
I read your article about birthday of Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. I know this is people doing many ways which are not good at all to do. But some Imaams only celebrate in Masjid with some poems and lecture about life of Prophet. Is this is also not good? .. More
What is the definition of "Sunnah" in the context of (Ayah/Surah) 21/33 and 6/60? Do you believe we have to copy the very acts of our Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, or the "Usool behind the acts of our Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam? You know, today, we can't follow a lot of acts of our Prophet e.g. the way he/women of that time.. More
I was wondering why in the Hadeeth books there are so many Hadeeth from Abu Hurayrah when he only spent a limited time with the Prophet, compared to Abu Bakr, Umar, Othman and Ali. He has more Hadeeth then these 4 put together and they all spent more time with the Prophet than him. .. More
What are the benefits of 'Ajwah dates as stated in the Authentic Traditions? .. More
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