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I was wondering if it is acceptable to participate in the annual celebration called "higala" or "Karaango" which is celebrated in many Gulf countries. This celebration is held on the same day during Sha'baan each year before Ramadhaan. Children receive bags of candy, dress nicely, and women hold "higala" get-togethers for the children.. More
What is the ruling on some people say when Aadam thrown out of the Jannah to the world he was asking Allaah to pardon his sins and when Allaah didn't pardon his sins Aadam said with the name of Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, pardon my sins then only Allaah pardon his sins kindly clarify is there any Hadeeth support for this sayings?.. More
I read a Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, was asked about hyena (an animal who is known to be a scavenger) and he said that it was a game? Is this an authentic Hadeeth? If yes are we allowed to eat it? .. More
Could you explain how when someone gives "Sadaqah" his/her wealth will not decrease as the Prophet said in one Hadeeth. Does this mean that one should give wealth all the time? Could you explain this issue with some clarity? .. More
Would you please explain in detail that if you say anyone about to follow Saheeh Hadeeth of anyone of 6 Hadeeth scholars to correct his action. He will show you the Hadeeth from same 6 Hadeeth scholars to support his action or belief... More
"The Hajj is when Muslims perform the Hajj" this statement by Ibn Taymiyyah, is this a Hadeeth, if it is then from which Hadeeth source. If this is not a Hadeeth, just an opinion by Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah then I want to know under which subject and what occasion he said so. Also what this opinion means. Please inform me... More
Could you please explain the following Hadeeth, what does horn of Satan mean and its implications? Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "The sun rises and with it is a horn of Shaytan and when the sun gets higher the horn leaves it. Then when the sun reaches the meridian the horn joins it and when the sun declines the horn leaves.. More
I want to know is this an authentic Hadeeth:
The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, says: “Whoever reads Fajr (for men, specifically in Jama'ah, for women at home, in Jama'ah, or wherever) and remembers Allaah until sunrise (that is, reads Qur'aan, memorizes chapters, etc.), then prays two Raka'h (units) of Shurooq (sunrise) he will.. More
Is there a Hadeeth stating that making the pilgrimage to Makkah starting from Jerusalem will ensure forgiveness of your past and future sins. And what are the references of the many Hadeeth that says more or less that "The praying person is talking to his Lord The Almighty. So, he should know what he is saying and none of you should make his voice.. More
There are few sayings of The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, that I do not clearly understand. I was hoping you could elaborate on them.
They are:
* Leave the birds alone secure in their nests.
* Entertain people according to their standing.
*Beware of the cry of the oppresses one, for there is no bar between it and Allaah.
* He.. More
I have just got married this summer with a new convert to Islaam. She comes from a family that is very close to their Protestant faith. The reason she left her parent's religion is for two fold: 1) she could not conceive that the trinity was true, 2) she no longer believed in the authenticity of the Bible because it was written by men... More
I have a friend whose family performs a celebration every year to commemorate the life of a Wali who used to be highly respected by their previous generations in Pakistan. Although he passed away decades ago, the family gather people in a mosque, and talk about the Wali and pray for him. Is this right? Or is it shirk?.. More
What is Kandoori? Is it an Arabic Word? If a person invite me for a kandoori without mentioning any recital or anybody’s birthday, can I go for the kandoori only to have meal?.. More
Allah says in the Qur'aan (interpretation of meaning):
"Say (O Muhammad): I find not in that which has been inspired to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maitah (a dead animal), orblood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like)or the flesh of swine (pork); ..."(6:145).
But we know from Hadith that.. More
I informed you about the site which said that we do not have to emulate Prophet Mohammed(S) in political establishment of Islam. You answered to this the verse 33:21 which says in the Messenger(S) of Allah you have a good example to follow. I send this answer to the site and this is how they gave the reply-The Holy Prophet(S) is indeed a perfect.. More
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