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Is this Du'a authentic? "Wa'hdi Qalbi Wa'slul Sakheemata Sadri" reported in any Hadith?.. More
As everybody knows that reciting 'Moulood' (reciting some Arabic script on so called Prophet Mohamed birthday) is an 'Bid'ah' innovation. Can we pray behind the people who practices Bid'ah... More
Can we regard the classification of Hadith (i.e., Saheeh, Hasan, Gareeb- weak) given by Sheikh Nasir-ud-deen al-Albani as final so far as the books checked by Sheikh al-Albani are concerned?.. More
I want to know the conditions laid by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim for accepting a Hadeeth and grading it? Are there any weak, Hasan, Mawdoo, Ahadith in Bukhaari and Muslim?
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I want to know the authenticity of the following Hadith: "No person's prayers is complete unless he says Takbeer, praises Allah-the Mighty and Sublime and Extols Him, recites of the Qur'an what is easy for him". Is this Hadith reported in Abu Dawood and Hakim?
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I want to know the authenticity of the following Hadith: "Whoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty Hadith relating to their religion, Allah will resurrect him on the Day of Judgement in the company of Jurists and religious scholars". If this Hadith is not authentic, please give reasons. I read that this Hadith has been reported in several.. More
What is the difference among Hasan Lighairihi, weak and fabricated Ahadith? Can we act on weak Hadith?.. More
What is the difference between Hadith which is graded as Saheeh and Hadith whose chain is Saheeh?.. More
I have read the following Hadith in a book but it did not mention the reference of the Hadith. On the Day of Resurrection", Allah Ta'ala resurrects all the dead people. Then Angels will question one by one, first of all they will enquire about Prayers. Some people will say, (1) because of lot of children we had no time to pray. (2) Some will say, we.. More
Has Allah protected the Hadith from corruption and changes? If not, how can we be sure that they are sayings of Prophet $Muhammad$$ (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), or of someone else?.. More
What is black seed and Zaitun (olive) and their uses with reference to Qur'an and Hadith?.. More
Please explain the following Hadith:
(1) Ibn Umar (Radiya Allahu Anhu) said, "Do not ask about what has not yet occurred. I heard Umar (Radiya Allahu Anhu) cursing the person who asks about things that have not happened".
(2) Umar (Radiya Allahu Anhu) said, "It is restrained for you to ask about what has not happened. Indeed there is enough occupation.. More
Is there any Hadith in which the Prophet instructed his sick companion to drink the urine of a camel? If it is as mentioned, what is the Hadith and why did the Prophet give such an instruction (Peace be upon him)?
We live in the West and this question has been posed to us by non-believers... More
I want to know the authenticity of the following Ahadeeth: (1) $Ayisha$$ (Radiya Allahu Anha) narrated that Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that the prayer performed after doing Miswaak is better than 70 prayers done without Miswaak. (2) During Ramadan, one Farz prayer performed is equivalent to seventy Farz prayers performed in other months.. More
Is it true that when you have a problem between husband and wife, people said that we are supposed to read Surah Al-Muzzammil? If not, what should people read and invoke during that moment?.. More
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