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Is it true that Prophet $Muhammad$$ (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) told his Ummah not to collect Hadith and make another book besides the holy Qur'an? Then what about Sahih $Bukhari$$ and Sahih $Muslim$$ and $Tirmizi$$?.. More
Please review Hadith number 251 in Sahih Ibn Hibban because I think there is wrong writing of the Hadith... More
Hadith of two men who traveled to a town and came back, each one said something different. The first one saw it as a bad town and the second as a good town. Where can I find it if it exist?.. More
Who said, who reported the Hadith that says "One who said lie about Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), let him find his place in Hell" ? Please send me a complete answer... More
Please explain in detail the meaning of the following Hadith:"Someday, your Emirs will show favor to wicked people and delay performing the prayer from its fixed times. So, whoever among you sees such a thing, should not take the post of a monitor, policeman or revenue officer" . [ al-Tabarani and Ibn Hibban regarded it as Sahih]... More
1. Can you please help me determine if these 20 items are true or not ( ibrar/The-Islamic-Page/Sites/Onlinedurst/20virtuesofwomen.htm).2. What does Allah say about people who deliberately spread falsehood about Him?.. More
1. I'd like to know the Hadith states: {he who recites "tabaarak allathee biyadihi almulk..." every night, Allah will save him with it from punishment in the grave}.2.I'd like to know the formulas the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) used to treat or cure skin disease such psoriasis in his medicine.How did he, (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam),.. More
The Hadith 'you and property are your fathers' is the ownership Permanent or Temporary
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I have a problem with stammering. I heard that the cure for stammering is in hadith .please tell me the ingredients of the medcines so thatI may make the medicine... More
Could you please tell me who was Al-Hussein ibn Salem?
Was he a Jew?
How did he convert to Islam?
Where did he live etc..
Is he mentioned in Bukhari?
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I have a friend who has an innovator living with him who says Sahih Bukhari is wrong. How can I prove its authenticity?.. More
Is there any hadith about blowing air in water by reciting some duas and giving it to suffering victims?
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I want to know if this hadith is correct. Some one told me that if one boy of the family memorize the Qur'an by heart which is "hafiz" that he will take 7 generations of his family into the Janna and if he doesn't follow the Qur'an then he will take them into the hell. Please explain me in details... More
Explain the hadith about whistling is it haram or halal? Is the hadith weak or authentic?.. More
Is there any hadith that white meat is healthier than red meat?.. More
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