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I was wondering, in what conditions can a weak hadith become hasan? Does the weak hadith have to contain the exact same wording as another hasan hadith in order to be raised to the level of hasan?
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Can a hadith be marfu and mursal at the same time?
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Assalamu alaikum. What is meant by the hadith that if a man whoss righteousness please you asks your daughter for marriage marry your daughters to him. So i think it is forbidden for wali to send him back. But can the girl reject him if he doesnt look good or if he doesnt have a good job. Can the guardian send him back if he has no means to support.. More
I have a question concerning a hadith in Muwatta Malik’s collection, book 9 hadith number 2. This is concerning the valley of Tabuk in Saudi Arabia. The prophet tells Muadh that if he lives long enough, he will see this place filled with gardens. Is there another way to interpret this saying of ‘if he lives long enough’, considering the fact that.. More
Why are there scholars who classedfied Some hadiths in Sahih al bukhari and Sahih Muslim as weak while the majoraty of the muslims and scholars where certen that all hadiths in Sahih al bukhari and in Sahih Muslim are authentic.And I heard that albani and Ibn baz and Ibn Utheymien Said that ther are Some weak hadiths is that true?
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Assalamu Aleykum! There is a hadith which says that Allah will transfer sins (even if as big as mountains) on kuffar. Does that mean that Muslims will be totally sinless then? I mean: will Allah transfer ALL sins on kuffar?
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As salaam alaykum our teachers, what is the meaning of this prophetic hadith: " In every group of 40 Muslims among them there is a waliyyu-Llaah."
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Assalam aalekum is Hadith acceptable if yazeed bin Abdur Rehman Khalid ad-dalani has narrated .while reading hadith books some of his Hadith has been classified weak while some authentic .kindly explain is his Hadith acceptable. He has narrated Hadith in sunan tirmidhi(2083) and Sunan Abu Dawood 3106. What was the opinion of imam nasai ,yehya bin Moeen.. More
There is a Hadith which talks about how a person who cheats is not amongst us by prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Does this mean a person who cheats leave the fold of Islam and becomes kafir
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There is a hadith which says: “There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm”. Does that mean one has to prevent harm from coming to him or towards his family?
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Can i raise my head under the hijab, raising here refers to not the raising of hair as big bun,hair is always below my neck. But the upper part of head is raised by a head band . I usually done this because otherwise my head will look flat under the hijab. Head band will lightly protrude my head of 3cm(measeured accurately). First i use the head band.. More
What if someone rejects a sahih or hasan or weak hadith saying if prophet Muhammad said in fronta of him, he would accept it. Does this person goes outside of islam? (This person also believes that prophet Muhammad is a messenger of God).
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As-Salamu Alaikum,My question is about the interpretation of the Prophetic Hadeeth on "Satr". "من ستر مسلما في الدنيا ستره الله في الدنيا و الاخره what exactly the is the definition of "Satr" in this life or dunia? By the grace of ALLAH, I spent a good part of my life financially assisting my brother
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Asalamualaikum Shaikh. There is a hadith which says that some people (Muslims) will come on the Day of Resurrection with sins like mountains but Allah (swt) will take their sins and put those sins on the Jews and Christians. Does that involve muja hediin as well? I ask because they are guaranteed jannah, so who are those Muslims whom Allah (swt) will.. More
My question is that there is an Hadith in tirmidi that Allah will not accept the repentance of one who drinks alcohol for the 4th time I think. Can you please explain.
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