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As-Salaam Alaykum, what is the authenticity of the story which mentions the camel which placed its head on the shoulders of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and complained to him about its owner overworking it. What is its reference? I have seen it in Shaykh Atiyyah Salim’s explanation of Al-Arba’een but without a reference.
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Abu Huraira: The Prophet (?) said, "Allah will not accept the excuse of any person whose instant of death is delayed till he is sixty years of age." (Bukhari)
How do we interpret this hadith. Does this mean that a non-muslim adult in his 20-30´s for example may have an excuse infront of Allâh? Keeping in mind the deception, brainwashing, and terrorism.. More
Assalamualaikum: I was wondering what number this hadith is from al-Bukhari: "…Then he put his hands (in the container of water) and pulled out water and rinsed his mouth and sniffed up water into his nostrils from the same handful of water, and he did this three times." [Muslim and Abu Daawood] Al-Bukhari.
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Assalam aalekum sheikh there is Hadith in Jami at tirmidhi Hadith no 3430 that whoever says that in illiness fire will not consume him .sheikh is the Hadith authentic sheikh it is necessary to recite everything that is mention in this Hadith from la ilaha illallah wa allahu akbar till what is mentioned till end of hadith
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How do we reconcile between the fact that sins can invalidate good deeds and the Hadith in Tirdmithi (2639)? Firstly, has it been classed as authentic by classical scholars and secondly, if a man had 99 scrolls of sins how could he have such a weighty good deed left (saying la ilaha illallah)?
If you say that was his faith, then how will some Muslims.. More
Assalam aalekum sheikh can two different Hadith with same chain of narration one can be authentic other can be daf. There is Hadith in sahih ibne hibban(7401) the least person in jannah will have 80 thousand servents and 72 wives this Hadith is said is daif but there is another Hadith in sahih ibne hibban(7413) from said Khudri person asked prophet.. More
When I am not joining for Moulood he asks what is the reason for not joining and where is the proof?
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Assalamualaikum I encountered the Hadith below and became confused :
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (?) as saying:
Iraq would withhold its dirhams and qafiz; Syria would withhold its mudd and dinar and Egypt would withhold its irdab and dinar and you would recoil to that position from where you started and you would recoil to that position.. More
What were the new rulings provided by the Sunnah when the Quran remain silent?
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Assalamu Alaikum:
how Authentic is this : in Tafsir Tustari it says under Surah 55 Verse 46
When the pious person was buried and CAliph Umar RadiAllah uAnhu recited this verse at the grave , the man answered from within the grave .
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Salam aleikum ..
There is a hadith /hadiths about that if one makes tauba within 6 hours of making a sin that angels dont write down the sin.. is that a saheeh hadith or not ?
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At what age does ones youth end in Islam?I heard Allah (swt) rewards/loves youth (teenagers) more then someone who is not in their youth (20s 30s 40s) If someone missed out on their youth and now they feel old all the time inside ( they are in their 20s almost 30) and now they love praying and having energy to worship/gain closeness to Allah(swt) but.. More
Assalamu Aleikum. In fatwa 7230 you have quoted a hadith by At-Tirmithi which Al-Albaani classified as hasan. But on the same hadith from At-Tirmidhi is classified da'if (please see Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2641 or Vol. 5, Book 38, Hadith 2641). Please clarify why it is classified as da'if on (
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Assalamualikum, according to the hadith, the trail of this Ummah is wealth, this trail would be as a result from more wealth or less wealth?
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As Salamu Aleikum! On a page of Ahmadiyya i found this narration of our Prophet (PHUB): "We are returning from the Jihad Asghar (fighting) to Jihad Akbar (struggle against self)." Is this hadith saheeh?
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