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ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM Sheikh, is there any significance or evidence in the hadith seeking blessing from the Sandals of our Prophet or image of the sandals of our Prophet. They give reference of Hadiths such as that Ibn Masud would hold the sandals for the Prophet when he took them off and hold them under his arms, while after his death(?) Sayyidna Anas.. More
Assalam aalekum is Hadith present in saheehul Al-jaami no 3704 about person who will enter jannah last is also classified authentic by imam munziri in At- Targheeb wat Tarheeb and by imam tabrani
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Assalam Aalekum sheikh it is hadith in Tabrani Awsat from Abu Hurairah that men will go to 100 virgins in single morning in jannah i have read the hadith is classified sahih by imam Albani but in another book tafseer ibne kaseer with authentication from hafiz Zubair Ali Zai that isnad is daif so the above hadith is authentic or daif
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I heard that Al-Nawawi in his explanation of a hadith in Al-Bukhari 5241 said that it is haram for a man to touch another man except for handshaking. Is this true? Does that mean that if I touch another man's arm, I am sinning?
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When we say "i will do something " we should say een shaa' Allaah. What do we say when we say "No, i will not do so-and-so"? Unless Allaah wills it?
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I have a question about a hadith. A man came to the Prophet [SAW] and said: "What if a man comes to me and wants to take my wealth?" He said: "Remind him of Allah." He said: "What if he pays no heed?" He said: "Seek the help of the Muslims around you against him." He said: "What if there are no Muslims around me?" He said: "Seek the help of the ruler.. More
ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM WA ROHMATULLOHI WABARAKAATUH Sheikh, I have a query about the virtue of reciting Surah Hud (Surah No. 11) on Friday Reference (Musnad al-Darami, 2/545, Hadeeth # 3400, Shu’ab al—Eeman, 2/472, Hadeeth#2438, Al-Durr al-Manthoor, 3/346, Fadha’il Suwar al-Qur’an al-Kareem, Pg.255, Al-Salaam). Is this hadith Sahih, Weak, Very weak.. More
happen to hear a hadeeth saying one is supposed to sit down combing ones hair. If you stand and comb your hair a debt will befall on you and you will never overcome your debt. I do not find it as a sound hadeeth. The kitab is of Yusuf Nabhani is there any reference to it
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Assalamu alaykum!
I have an important question that is, there is a hadith where the prophet (Sal) said:
I want to know whether this hadith is authentic and in which book of hadith is it mentioned with reference?
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There is a hadith (graded hasan) in Abu Dawud that a women gave a book/letter to the Prophet from behind the veil. The Prophet saw her hand
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Salam aleykum wa rahmatullah. Thanks for taking the time and effort may Allah reward you. My question is something that has worried me a lot and it’s to do with the losing rewards for good deeds i have done. A lecturer in youtube said if people dont give dawah and forbid that which is bad and enjoin good their dua’s wont be accepted and their good.. More
Salam. Dear Scholars. I always wanted to know why only one sect will enter paradise? Why only one out of 73? Aren't the other sects following the Quran and the Sunna? All muslim sects claim they follow the Sunna and Quran, dont they? So why should only one enter paradise?
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How many saheeh hadeeth are there in Musnad Ahmad.
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Assalamualaikum, could you do a response for the hadith in Sahih Muslim regarding the young woman who was given by Abu Bakar RA to Salama RA after the raid against the Banu Fazara tribe? The hadith states that she was with her mother before they were taken as captives. When Salama brought the woman to Medina, the Prophet SAW asked that he should give.. More
Zaid ask a question to a one mufti that one person says that Its allowed to Says kafir all Bidati muslim so Mufti replied that Its allowed.So what is the Rul of Shariah on that mufti
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