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What if someone rejects a sahih or hasan or weak hadith of prophet Muhammad that explains the Quran (I mean the hadiths that is doing the tafsir of the verses of the Quran) saying if prophet Muhammad said in front of him, he would accept it. Does this person goes outside of islam? (This person also believes that prophet Muhammad is a messenger of God).
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Assalamualaikum I have question about jannah, I heard Hadith that said peoples in jannah their clothes will never wear out, And another Hadith said that there is an intercourse in jannah, if that there clothes can't be wear out how can intercourse will be in jannah
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I am performing an sunnah/voluntary act. But people in where I live don't do that. So, they look Strangely at me and maybe even talk bad about me. My mother is feeling really shameful and now she telling me to avoid that act. What should I do?
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Assalamu alaikum
How to give dawah to innovators? What to tell them to follow only Quran and Sunnah? Because when I tell them the right Sunnah way they refuse and fight... More
There is a hadith which says emigration has not stopped as long as disblievers are being fought (it’s in sunan nasai 4172). How can we reconciled that with the hadith where the Prophet (phub) says emigration has stopped.
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Could you please give me the reference and meaning of the Hadith: ما تركت شيئا يقربكم إلى الله إلا وأمرتكم به?Is the Hadith Sahih?
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RAIN AGAINST WHICH HOUSES OF BRICK CANNOT OFFER ANY PROTECTION Abu Hurairah ( ra ) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah ( pbuh ) said , " The Hour will not begin until rain comes down from the sky against which houses of brick will not offer any protection ; nothing will offer any protection against it except houses made of [ camel ] hair . " Al Fitan.. More
Ibn ‘Abb?s (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The Rahim (kinship ties) is hanging on to the Hujzah of The Most Merciful; He maintains ties with whoever maintains it (the Rahim) and severs ties with whoever severs it." (Ahmad, ibn Abi 'Asim, as-Silsilat as-Saheehah). Can you.. More
Assalam u alaikum.I am slightly confused on the matter of difference of opinion amongst scholars. Why is it that most of the times whenever there is difference of opinion,one group often labels doing that act as biddah ?e.g wiping face after dua is deemed permissible by one group but innovation by the other.Also wiping neck in wudu is deemed permissible.. More
Can you mention the hadiths that are dhaif or maudhu about the end of time, because I am confused about which one is strong and which is dhaif or maudhu?
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There’s a Hadith that says if you stay in your land in a plague your a martyr in Bukhari but what if you ride your bike down the street is that still your land.
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Aslamoalukum I was hoping you could explain this hadith to me
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, “People are like gold and silver; those who were best in Jahiliyyah (Pre-Islamic Period of Ignorance) are best in Islam, if they have religious understanding; and the souls are like recruited.. More
As Salam alaykum please is these hadith authentic -
Haritha ibn Wahb reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
أَلَا أُخْبِرُكُمْ بِأَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ كُلُّ ضَعِيفٍ مُتَضَعِّفٍ لَوْ أَقْسَمَ عَلَى اللَّهِ لَأَبَرَّهُ أَلَا.. More
Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullah ya Syaikh
What's the meaning of this hadith : "The Prophet saw a woman, then he went to Zainab to fulfill his need and he left. He said: ‘Indeed when the woman enters, she enters in the image of Shaitan. So when one of you sees a woman that he is fascinated with, then let him go to his wife, for indeed with her (his.. More
Assalumu Alaikum wa rahmahtullah wa barakatuhu. I heard about the river Baydakh. I searched the internet for more knowledge about it but I can't find anything. Could you please tell me about it. I know it doesn't make me enter Jannah and avoid Hell but I am wondering if that is where the Hoor will grow. I am also wondering if that is where the inhabitants.. More
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